I don't see me
An accreditation is not required with Safe Food for the following activities:
- Growing or processing of fruits or vegetables (apart from seed sprouts, berries, melons and leafy vegetables)
- Production and supply of honey, nuts and seeds
- Production or processing of algae such as spirulina
- Production or processing of sprouted cereal grains used for brewing or juice making
- Retail sale of horticulture products, including seed sprouts (e.g. fruit shop, farmers markets, etc.)
Still unsure if you require an accreditation? Please contact us.
Who else should I contact?
While you may not require an accreditation with Safe Food, you may still need to be licensed or seek advice from other food regulatory authorities, including:
Local Council
Contact your local council (ask for an Environmental Health Officer) if your inquiry relates to:
- Licensing a retail food business (fixed site/shop)
- Licensing a mobile food vehicle (e.g. food truck)
- Licensing a temporary market stall
- Licensing requirements for home-based food businesses (e.g. bed & breakfast, farm home stays)
Search the Local Government Directory to find contact details and view a map of local government’s areas for Queensland’s local councils.
Queensland Health
Contact Queensland Health for:
- Food labeling requirements
- Advice on food allergens
- Food safety requirements for retail food businesses and food handlers
- Food safety programs for retail food or catering businesses
- Food safety advice for non-profit organisations
Department of Primary Industries (DPI)
Contact DPI if your inquiry relates to:
- Information on plants, agricultural chemicals, plant health, weeds and more
- Pests and disease prevention
- Biosecurity requirements
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Contact DAFF for:
- Importing and exporting requirements