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Food safety regulation is moving towards a more flexible system of monitoring, using data supplied directly by food businesses that voluntarily monitor a number of verification points across the supply chain. 

Reliance on auditing and other relatively prescriptive processes to monitor compliance is expected to occur less and less over time.

Safe Food supports the use, where possible, of electronic supply chain verification systems that are supported by industry and that give a better overview of the complete food safety story.

Flexibility in monitoring food safety outcomes is provided under the Food Production (Safety) Regulation 2014.  Safe Food may monitor compliance with food safety schemes by one or more methods that are considered appropriate to the nature of the business engaging in the production of primary produce and the risks associated with the business.

Methods of monitoring include, for example, auditing, investigating, verification, oversight and surveillance of an accreditation holder’s business, to ensure the holder is complying with relevant food safety requirements.

Approved Food Safety Auditors

Safe Food approves persons other than Safe Food employees to conduct food safety audits of businesses in Queensland.

Commonly referred to as third party auditors, they must meet the following requirements:
> Have appropriate qualifications, be trained and assessed on the system and be individually approved by Safe Food
> Ensure audit results are sent to Safe Food
> Comply with the National Food Safety Audit Policy and the National Food Safety Auditor Guidelines
  • Apply to become an Auditor
  • Approved Auditor register
  • Auditor Code of Conduct
  • Auditor Training
  • Apply to become an Auditor

Auditors who meet all of the auditor requirements can apply here.

  • Approved Auditor register

Auditors that have been approved by Safe Food are listed on the auditor register. Auditors on this register are able to conduct audits for businesses in Queensland, Australia.

View the register.

  • Auditor Code of Conduct

The Regulatory Food Safety Auditor Code of Conduct is available to view here.

  • Auditor Training

Approved auditors are required to complete annual training with Safe Food. For more information on training, please contact us.